Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ice Cream, Anyone?

This has been a creation that took some time to develop. I knew what I wanted to do, but was determined to add realistic looking "toppings" to my sundaes. I don't think my topping line will ever be complete - I keep thinking of new things to add!

My sundae begins with a waffle bowl - such great detail on this one! Then, a yummy looking scoop of ice cream ( any "flavor" of course!) is added, and voila, we're ready for the fun part!

Adding mini marshmallows, gummi bears, chocolate chips, fruit slices, and of course, sprinkles makes this so much fun! I've had people try to eat the toppings, swearing there was no way they could be soap....I definitely don't recommend trying to eat them, or else you'll be burpin' bubbles all day!

Here's our listing on etsy - you'll find the pics for the toppings here...And yes, all the toppings are available individually!

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